Dear Mothers – Be Gentle on Yourself

Dear Mothers,

As you read this, you’re probably trying to make school lunches,  or breastfeeding your hungry baby, putting a load of laundry on or even hiding in the bathroom trying to get 30 seconds to yourself. I get it. I totally get it.

Mothers be gentle on yourself…

Is your laundry laying on the floor, unfolded from 2 weeks ago? Or do you have dishes in the sink that haven’t been washed yet and now you have the sweet aroma of soured milk lingering in the air?

Mothers be gentle on yourself…

Do you live in a constant state of guilt where is doesn’t matter what you’re doing, this guilt weighs heavy on your shoulders? You feel guilty when you exercise because you feel you should be at home spending more one on one time with the kids. Or you feel guilty because when you went to the grocery store to quickly grab milk, you actually got yourself a coffee and walked up and down every aisle just to have a moment on your own?

Mothers be gentle on yourself…

At the end of the day, when you’re finally sitting down on the couch, un-showered, hair in a bun and the Nutella jar empty because it’s the only thing you’ve eaten in the last 6 hours, do you ever reflect on what you’ve actually accomplished in the day?

Do you remember the tears you wiped away from your little one when they fell down? Or the positive praise you gave to your child that is shaping/building their self-esteem? Or the million hugs you gave to your child today that is helping them to feel safe, forming healthy attachments which will later help them to navigate this big world later in life?

Mothers be gentle on yourself…

I encourage you to try and take a moment every day to reflect on everything that you have accomplished for that day. The meals you made, the games you played, the books you read and the love you gave.

And remember..

You rock.

You’ve got this.

You’re a great mother.

From one mother to another, “be gentle with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others.”

Love always,

Angela from Finlee & Me (if you know someone who would love this article remember to share it).




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8 years ago

Thank you. Totally needed to remember that i don’t always suck. Been feeling very lost as a mummy lately so nice to think about the small moments in time that matter to my kids. You rock too xo