Making Meal Times Fun for Kids – Dinner Winner Plate

As parents, many of us struggle with getting our child to eat. There are tears, fights and an over all unhappy feeling with the constant meal time battle. My little one Finlee is 4.5 years old and he does not like to try new things, does not like to eat meat and as you guessed it meal times are our house suck!

I came across this kids meal time product called the Dinner Winner Plate and I was sold. This plate is a motivator for little ones. It encourages kids to try different things, take ownership of meals and get excited again about meal time. Yes, there is a reward you can give your little ones at the end. This can be as simple as a gummy bear or a chocolate, but you can also use yogurt, raisins etc; what ever will assist meal times to be calmer at your home.

Kids Meal Time Products

Some people will argue this only encourages kids to think they deserve a treat after every meal; I disagree. As parents we need to pick our battles. If this plate assists your family to sit down and eat a meal in peace and harmony then this 100% better then screaming matches, filled with tears.

We’ve used our plate just at dinner/tea time over the last 5 days and Finlee has eaten every meal. I make him part of the process, we discuss his food options together, quantity of food and then he gets to pick his treat. End result thus far… 5 days of him eating everything on his plate.

Kids Dinner Plate

We would love to offer your family the chance to WIN 1 of 5 Finlee & Me Dinner Winner Plates that assist children to eat better at meal times and making meal times over all less stressful.

To enter simply click here: Making Meal Times Fun Giveaway!

These plates are all levels of AWESOME and to purchase directly head to: Finlee & Me Kids Dinner Winner Plates!!

Kids Meal Tray Giveaway





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meredith Hill
meredith Hill
10 years ago

what an awesome idea!!

Kaye Goldberg
Kaye Goldberg
10 years ago

This would be so fantastic for my 3 year old..Everything has to be a game for him and I am fast running out of games!!!

Rose Boreham
Rose Boreham
10 years ago

Fantastic idea! This would be perfect for my 3 year old who very fussy with his food at the moment. Hope I win this x

Hannah Nicolas
Hannah Nicolas
10 years ago

I would love one of these plates for my son, he rarely eats all his dinner, I’ve exhausted all my ideas to get him to finish, and he turns 3 in 2 weeks!

Shannon Hillmann
Shannon Hillmann
10 years ago

So simple and clever it must be made by a mum… who knows just how tiring it can be making every meal fun!

Melanie smith
Melanie smith
10 years ago


Kirsty Billinghurst
Kirsty Billinghurst
10 years ago

These would be great for my youngest boys. I’m always having to beg them, to “eat just a little more dinner”, Great idea! 🙂

Sam Minshull
Sam Minshull
10 years ago

This would be amazing! my girls love games, so they will be more focused on trying to get to the end, they will eat their veggies without the tears

Elizabeth Emmerzael
Elizabeth Emmerzael
10 years ago


10 years ago

Would love this for my fussy 2 and 7 year old, make meals a lot easier

Belinda Louey
Belinda Louey
10 years ago

LOVE. Gotta have for mealtime inspiration!

10 years ago

this might help my fussy 2 year old Grandson who is a nightmare to get him to eat …….

krystal davies
krystal davies
10 years ago

These would be perfect for my stubborn twins who refuse to eat lol